A free co-learning session

The Idea Profile

Capturing what God is revealing to you about your ideas for business is essential for developing a sound plan.

The Idea Profile will do two things:

  1. Guide you through questions you should be thinking about.
  2. Spot areas to focus on and improve upon through coaching.

Starting a business can be a daunting task, but it can also be an exciting and rewarding experience. The key to success is to have a clear plan, a well-structured budget, and to be willing to work hard and stay focused.

Register now for the Idea Profile co-learning session, 90 minutes via Zoom. Together, we’ll work to get clarity on those 10 questions that every entrepreneur should answer when starting a business.

May 24, June 28, or July 26 at 12 noon PT.

Not knowing how to take my idea to market, I found Alicia. I shared my vision and ideas with her and over the course of serval months, she helped me take my idea to a prototype and eventually to market.
Nick Menster
Distinguished Paper Co.

Idea Profile Cover

Download the Idea Profile Worksheet

You can use this tool on your own; it’s also the worksheet we’ll refer to when there’s a Live Idea Profile co-learning session. It will help you unpack the idea you have stored close to your heart and discover what’s needed to make it business-ready.

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