Be More Than Another Pea in the Social Media Pod

Written by Daredream

January 8, 2021

You may have noticed that connecting with your target audiences via social media takes some creativity. You and your organization have the burden of proving yourself worthy of an individual’s time and attention. But where do you begin? How do you set yourself apart and, through engagement, tell your unique story?


Well, the answer isn’t exactly one-size-fits-all, but it may get you thinking in the right direction: It’s YOU. Yeah, imagine that. But seriously, since you’re the only one like you, you’re a pretty decent place to start.


Chances are you are the heart and soul of your business; it is in some way a reflection and extension of who God created you to be. Chances are even better that you, 1) believe wholeheartedly in your products, services, or experiences, 2) hold to the belief in its life-transforming nature, and 3) are unashamedly willing to shout out those reasons from the highest hilltop in your neighborhood.


The question you’re asking yourself is will that belief and those reasons be considered special enough to your target audiences to spark meaningful and engaging connections? Hmm, let’s examine…


Imagine for a moment that you just bought yourself your dream car; that tan Pinto with the awesome lime green leather seats (hey, I’m not gonna judge). You’re totally excited and feel like you’re the happiest person in the whole wide world. Then the over informative sales lady tells you you’re hardly alone; that there are hundreds—maybe even hundreds of thousands of individuals who just bought a brand new car at that exact moment and equally feel like the happiest individuals in the whole wide world.


Now, knowing this, does this make your moment any less special? Aren’t you just another pea in the car-buying pod? No. Why? Because you’re the pea that’s been saving $2 a day for the last 9 years to buy yourself that $6500 Pinto for cash. You, and only you, can tell that story. That makes the moment you own special; makes your story unique and interesting.


The point is to take nothing of you, your organization, and your products, services, and experiences for granted. Discover what’s special about your organization’s story and the experience it offers. It’s often the small and simpler things that will set businesses apart, making them more than another pea in the social media pod. Also, remember that conduct matters and goes a long way toward maintaining those beneficial connections with your target audiences.


As you’re engaging and telling your story, keep these two guides in mind:

Be honest about yourself, your organization, and offerings. Don’t pretend to be what you’re not for the sake of attention. It may garner a few quick connections, but social media users can sniff a fake and will certainly—and passionately—warn friends to stay away.

Look for opportunities to serve others, jump in, and help when you can. Social media users tend to gravitate toward selflessness in organizations and tend to repel from shallow ulterior marketing motives.  

Remember: be true, be you. (Cheesy, yeah, but it works!)

Author: Daredream

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