Embrace WHAT IS, Instead of WHAT IF

Written by Daredream

September 7, 2023

In the world of entrepreneurship, we are often confronted with countless “what if” questions. What if my business idea fails? What if I don’t have enough resources? What if I’m not skilled enough? These doubts can be overwhelming, casting shadows on our dreams and goals. But what if we could shift our focus away from these hypothetical scenarios and toward the present moment? What if we could learn to embrace, “what is,” instead of “what if?” This transformative mindset holds the potential to reshape our entrepreneurial journey in profound ways.

Embracing the Power of “What Is”
The first step in adopting the “what is” instead of “what if” mindset is to embrace the power of “what is.” It’s about acknowledging and fully understanding your current reality, both in your business and personal life. It requires you to be brutally honest with yourself, recognizing your strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and challenges. “What is” represents your starting point, your foundation for growth.

The Wisdom of Acceptance
Embracing “what is” is an act of acceptance. It means acknowledging where you are at this moment, without judgment or self-criticism. It’s a foundation of self-awareness that enables you to make informed decisions about your path forward. By understanding your current reality, you can identify your strengths and leverage them to your advantage. These are the qualities, skills, and resources that make you uniquely suited for your entrepreneurial journey. Embrace them as your assets.

Embracing “what is” also means confronting your weaknesses and areas for improvement. Rather than seeing them as roadblocks, view them as opportunities for growth. This awareness empowers you to take proactive steps toward self-improvement.

The Power of Imagination
With a firm grasp of “what is,” it’s time to turn your gaze towards “Instead of.” This phase is where your imagination takes flight. It’s about envisioning a reality that is different from the current situation — a future full of possibilities and aspirations. “Instead of” is fueled by your imagination. It’s where you dream big, set ambitious goals, and visualize what you want to achieve. What could your business become? How can you grow personally and professionally? This imaginative phase provides the vision that will drive your journey.

Creating a Roadmap
Your “instead of” vision serves as a roadmap for your entrepreneurial and personal growth. It defines the direction you want to take, the impact you want to make, and the person you aspire to become. It’s the North Star guiding your decisions and actions.

Taking Action to Bridge the Gap
The final and most critical phase of “what is,” instead of “what if” is taking action to bridge the gap between “what is” and “instead of.” This is where your dreams become a tangible reality. Your vision is your guide, but it’s your actions that will turn dreams into reality. Break down your goals into manageable steps and start working toward them. Every action you take is a step closer to realizing your “instead of.”

As faith-driven entrepreneurs, we must remember that faith without works is dead. Your faith in your vision should fuel your actions. Trust that your efforts will lead to meaningful progress and impact. Along the journey, you may encounter detours and unexpected challenges, see these moments as opportunities for learning and growth, and adapt your plans as needed while keeping your “instead of” vision in sight.

Transforming Your Journey
Embracing “what is,” instead of “what if” is a mindset that will empower you to navigate your journey with clarity, purpose, and courage. By understanding “what is,” envisioning “instead of,” and taking action to bridge the gap, you can transform your business and personal life in remarkable ways.

So, as you embark on this entrepreneurial journey, remember the power of this mindset. Embrace your current reality, dream boldly, and take action with unwavering faith to create a life and business that truly inspires. Daredream community is here to support you every step of the way. 

Author: Daredream

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